Tomorrow night is an early date night with another hockey game. Luckily our seats are a WEE bit better than last time, but not as much. I'm hoping that there are not a lot of San Jose fans and the off street parking will be back to its normal $10. for parking. I just about had a heart attack when we paid $20 for the Kings game. We ran into another friend and he too said the price was up because it was the Kings. We sucked it up and payed the parking fee, sure as hell beat trying to fight our way out of the Pond.
My boys, the Redwings will also be playing tomorrow night, so I'll record it to watch on Thurs. Makes getting on the treadmill easier when I have something decent to watch. And I get to forward through all those damn commericals to boot. Yeah, exciting life I lead eh?
Oh well, off to get the light of my life from school.