I was just going over my photos of my trip to Cancun last year. My soul mate Spaz (we've known each other going on 27 years now) paid for my trip to accompany her there last year. It was a blast. The room was fabulous, the food to die for and the scenery around us breath taking.
What I wouldn't give for even just a weekend away ANYWHERE at this point. Babs had sent me some lovely sites for local places here. As long as it has a jacuzzy tub and lots of trees, I'm there.
But alas, my brother's wedding is going to break the bank. *Heavy sigh*
At least Spaz will be with me for that one. I told my sister Angie to give her kid to her daddy and the three of us will cut loose at Ryan's wedding. MUH HA HA HA HAHA!
Is it Oct. yet???