HOW long of a drive will it be to my brother's wedding?!?!
9 long ass fucking hours, that's how many!
I'm definitely getting a rental for Spaz and I to drive in. I'll kill myself if I have to choke on 2nd hand smoke for that long. My dad & step mom smoke. Ugh!
On the up side, from what Spaz said, we'll be close to Wisconsin. So if Livey hasn't moved south by then, we might be able to swing by for a visit. We'll just have to wait and see.
My in laws came down today. Steve's step dad helped install the new dishwasher. MIL and I went shopping for Pudd'n. I showed her where the Italian Mecca (bakery) was. I think she bought 2 of every confection they had. My fridge is LOADED with desserts and other yummy goodies.
So much for "eating right" today. I've pigged out on fabulous garlic bread and all those Italian pastries. I'm washing them down with beer too. I'll be good tomorrow, today I'm just going to relax.