Well what ever crawled up my kid's ass yesterday, left by the time we got to the party. Everyone had a real nice time. One of my cousin's kids is really in to hockey. He's only about 7 years old, but I think this kid has a chance to go pro. And I've got the blackmail photo of him letting the girls in the family put make up on him. Auntie Maeve will always have good seats for a hockey game with these black mail photos! Muh ha ha hah ha!
Pudd'n got up at 3 am today. It's amazing all that you can get done when you get up at the ass crack of dawn. Finished the rest of my Yule shopping with no lines or hassels. In fact, the check out girl at Toys is Us was a witch too. She had a beautiful Goddess pendant on.
Me: Oh, what a beautiful Goddess you have
Check out girl: Oh thank you, not too many people know it's a Goddess.
Me: Oh honey, I know the Goddess REAL well.
When she handed me my recipet, she said "blessed be" (what a lot of witches say to each other, kind of like "Jesus saves".)
I winked at her and said "Blessed Be" back to her.