Yesterday's trip was wonderful. It took an hour and a half to get there, but well worth the trip. The mountains were spectacular! The color of the leaves, the smell in in the air and the tranquility was just amazing. We tried cider at every location, I brought a half gallon home from our first stop. I wish I had gotten a bag of apples from the 4th little stand. One store had a bear warning in the window, I got a kick out of that. I got a jar of bbq sauce from that place. My favorite purchase was the carmel apple. It was home made carmel and it was so thick, when you bit it, you didn't get any apple. It was all carmel! I was in heaven, the best $3.00 I ever spent.
Pudd'n was less than thrilled about being dragged around. But then that is autism for you. At least he didn't tantrum like some kids do. We stopped at one place and it was built in the 1800's and still up and running. I was taking some photos when steve said "that lady is checking you out". I scoffed at him. But when I did turn to look, sure enough, she was staring heavily in our direction. As we walked passed her, what we didn't see was the young man on the other side of her. He was obviously severly autistic like our son. He even had the same hand flapping jestures that Pudd'n does. I'm sure she recognized Pudd'n as being autistic, parents & care givers usually do. I'm sure I was giving her a glimpst in to her past with my young son and I could see my son in hers when Pudd'n becomes a teenager. ( Her son could of given a rat's ass about being there too).
It was an enjoyable day and we got lots of goodies to bring home to eat. I'd like to go back again, it was a mini vacation of sorts. Today's adventure will take us to the movie theatre to go see the new Harry Potter flick and then I'll get my ass on a horse.