In our never ending quest to get Pudd'n out of sleeping in our bed, our latest venture is that we bought a twin bed and put it next to our king sized one. It was our hopes that since he is so insistant on sleeping with us, he'd be happy in a bed next to us. Sure we can put him to sleep in his own room, but he wakes up between 11-12 and comes in to ours. If we put him to sleep in our bed, he sleeps through the night. We are cramped, but at least we get some sleep.
Now mind you, I know it's only the first night and some times it takes things to settle down. I can handle that, I CAN'T handle the no sleeping part. Pudd'n woke up and kept trying to get back in to the middle of our bed. I kept saying no and just kept my hand on him to give him comfort. If I removed my hand, he'd get up and try it all over again and the tears would ensue. This went on from 10:30 pm to 2:10 am. My neck is stiff and threatening to give out on me, I did not get any sleep and godDAMN! am I fucking tired!~ I've been doing my best to stay away from the caffiene and sista, I don't see that happening today. Just hook up an i.v. of it please.
Steve slept through it all............bastard!