I get a phone call today from the hub. Seems he didn't use his melon and tried to reset a vault with his HANDS instead of the proper TOOLS.
Yep, the vault fell on his finger of his right hand. He came home at lunch time to show it to me. Now I am not squimish by nature. Hell, I've assisted more vets with my horses and watched my grandfather preform dyalisis on my grandma for 23 years. When I looked at this finger.......EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
"that finger nail is going to fall off" I informed him.
He didn't look too happy over that prospect.
"you'd better go get that nail drilled to release the pressure"
That sure as hell didn't improve his mood.
The pad of the finger is also swollen and a strange color purple. Turns out he fractured the fucker! Now he gets to file a report with the safty nazi at work and wear a splint for 4 weeks.
Looks like flogging molly is out for a while........