Below is a photo of my good friend Lissie. It wasn't always that way, when I first met her in highschool, I was ready to kill her. We were both dating the same boy. He was up front about it, and being the stupid teenage girls we were, put up with it. Well when I found out she was in my English class AND my swim class that semester, I was out for blood. I TERRORIZED the shit out of her. She was a size -0 and short back then and I was woman. After a few months, she smarted up and dumped Tim's sorry ass. I on the other hand, got to go his senior prom! After Tim graduated, she and I became really good friends for the rest of our high school years. I was even the maid of honnor at her first wedding. And yes, she knows I posted this photo, I got her permission before posting it. When you got it, flaunt it!