Work sucked big purple donkey dicks tonight. I was home by 8pm.
Other than that, my day was fantastic.
I was suppose to go on a field trip with pudd'ns class. But since they now have 2 students that have horrible tantrums, they did not have the man power to try and subject the public to these kids. Instead they had a pizza party in the class room and watched videos all day.
Since I had already taken the day off, I got what was left of my holiday shopping done and then I got my ass on a horse. I got home in enough time to fuck the daylights out of my husband and then join him for lunch with one of his contractors. They were having a holiday party and not only did they have awesome Mexican food, they had BEER!
Tomorrow Babs comes over to babysit pudd'n while we go to a holiday party. Babs and I have our own "after party" planned. Muh ha ha ha hahaaaaaaaa