Too cool, woke up to thunder & lightening this morning. What a treat for me! I miss a good thunderstorm! Also on the good new front, the vet called last night. Jack's levels for MG are normal. NO MORE MEDS!!! It is amazing the turn around that he has had. Now if he's quit farting, I swear it's peeling the paint off of my walls.
Last night Venus stopped by to pick up my rolling pin & cookie cutters. Goat Puppy heard her car, so he went out side to go bark. Now Goat Puppy IS 75lbs, he has a very impressive deep bark, but he's a love sponge. Not a guard dog. So when he looked back over his shoulder to see if Jack would come bark with him, Venus was already in the gate. Goat Puppy turns his head, realizes that some one is actually there and he FREAKS! The look on his face was priceless! His tail tucked up under him, he did a 180 and RAN inside. Poor Venus was just standing there with the look of "what the fuck?". I wish I had a camera, I would of won some serious money on those pet video shows.