Pudd'n stayed the night at Grandma's last night again since last week it went so well. I started to get a small panick attack when I left him, but did ok once I got home. It felt weird not having anything to do, no one to watch or clean up after. Steve got to go to Craft Connect. with me. That was a treat! Ritual was great as always, I got to smudge people before they came in.
We did have a hard time falling asleep last night. I figure it was from all the energy we raised during ritual. We didn't snack to help ground ourselves afterwards. Nothing on the table looked good enough to eat, plus I wanted to get home to watch the new CSI. Nothing at home looked good to snack on either. I had an apple and a few hershy's kisses. I can't wait to pick Pudd'n up and kiss his sweet face. I really did miss him!