My friend Venus has a half hairless cat that has just recently learned how to open & shut doors. Goat Puppy has learned he can open the screen door to let himself in and tear apart what ever his little black heart desires. Fucker. It started out with him going in Pudd'ns room and eating what ever, ok close the door. Then he moved to jumping on top of dining room table and tearing apart what ever may be up there, ok, put up baby gate to keep him in front half of house. Oh Ho! He says, you think THAT is going to stop me? Say good bye to your couch. So we boot his puppy ass out side and close the screen over the dog door so he has to stay out. Steve left and inch or two gap in the screen and when he came home it was completely off the track. In fact, it was laying on the patio and Goat Puppy ate some of Pudd'ns books inside. Fucker.
I know Diablo & Goat puppy are using the phone while we are gone to come up with things to drive us nuts. They are "gas lighting" us for sure.