I am soooooooo tired! I took Pudd'n in for our first appointment to the G.I. Dr. Pudd'n is 4 ft. 4 inches tall. He is only 15 inches shorter than his father. By the time he hits 11 or 12, he will tower over daddy. Glad he's got my genes in that dept (the autism comes from his father......lol). While I was there, some mothers came in with their children. Brave, strong women they were. One had a child with C.P. and the other was badly deformed. His head was too big, he needed a trach tube to breath, he had a horribly deformed cleft plate and his ears were deformed too. He looked to be a toddler, but could not stand on his own. Man, just when you think YOU have it rough, some one else comes a long and makes you thankful.
We got out early enough to get some decent time in at Aunt Selma's. 4 hours to be exact, I'm whipped. Goat puppy had a blast as usual, he hasn't moved at all since we've been home. I've got dinner made, the girls are coming over and I have a glass of wine. All is right in my world.
Last night's ritual was great as always. The alter and the room are always decorated "just so". The rituals and the spell work are always fabulous. I'm going to have to think up something to do for Mabon. Sahaim is right around the corner too........