I am so pissed off right now, I'm ready to spit nails. We get an early rush, no slappy to be found. He comes strolling in at the end of it, just as I'm picking up a tab from a table. I open it up and low and behold, the fucking cunt had stiffed me! This crab infested cunt uses an Entertainment card (you get up to $14 off your meal) and she fucking STIFFS me. Now mind you, she came in early of the rush. So she had EVERYTHING in a timely matter. Dumb ass twat..........
Then after that in the middle of my 2nd rush, I get this table of people who think their shit don't stink. They have money so they think they can talk down to me and treat me like shit. Lucky for them, the kitchen is in plain view or else I would of put some "special secret sauce" in their food. Don't think I'm joking either, I've done it before. At one point Mr. Asswipe asks "you DO have a chef back there don't you?" I replied with "no, he's a short order cook we got from IHOP today". Fucker..........
And to top off my crappy ass night, slappy does not have any cash to give me for my tips! Almost everyone paid in credit cards tonight. Ok, no problem, write me a check. What the fuck do you mean I can't cash it until tues?! So you mean I have $7.00 to hold me over until tuesday and the money better be there!?! Had he told me he didn't have the funds to cover the check tomorrow, I would not have tipped the bus boy. Fuck him too, he does not use deoderent and he's a lousy bus boy. I do most of the work. Fucktard...........
My last bitch of the day? Jack is not doing well. He was vomiting and had diareah. Vet says to cut back on meds, yeah sure great. Now my dog just won't be able to stand. So much for this quality of life you promised for my dog.