I am coming down with a cold. I thought it was allergies, tried to convince my self it was allergies. But my throat still hurts and I'm sooooooo tired. And why the fuck does Jack have to lay next to my computer table and fart? Is my sore throat not misery enought? I tried to lay down and rest, but Pudd'n felt that I was relaxing too much and took great joy in jumping up & down from the bed. Just as I'm getting ready to snooz..........here he comes! Ugh.
Got the dog snot off of the windows in the magik bus, steve vaccumed out the goat puppy hair yesterday. So it is presentable to those who will be traveling with us tonight. Fuck, I still have to color my hair!
Waaaaaaa, I want my mommy! Oh wait, I'll be seeing her tonight! If Pudd'n is asleep when we drop my mom off, she said he could just stay the night. I tried my best not to do the dance of joy. OMG! a FULL night's sleep? No one hogging the bed or my pillow? No one grinding their teeth in my ear? HOT DAMN! Kid, you'd better pass out for Grampy!