What fun I had last night. Lili was the first to show up, I pulled out my new tarot deck that Venus gave me to show her. The bartender walked up to take our drink order and saw my cards out on the table. He jokingly asked if I could tell him his future. I told him I'd do a quick palm reading and to hold out his hand. He held his hand out and I said "you masterbate way too much". I thought Lili was going to fall out of her seat. Venus & Dru arrived shortly there after and we all pigged out on happy hour food & drink. Before I knew it, I had to stumble over to C.C. to call East. The ritual was awesome as usual. Luckily it was a small group, so I got out at a decent hour. My favorite part is when we got to dance to raise the energy. I miss going to the drumming circles. I love to feel my skirts twirl up around my ankles and to move to the beat. It is a dance that I have known from times past. I've done this before.