Yesterday was a blast. I went with Pudd'n and his classmates to the Discovery Science Center. It was a bit of an over load for some of the other Autistic kids though. I offered to watch one of his classmates since Pudd'n is so easy and will pretty much stay by you. I soon found out Treveor had a "thing" for bathrooms and he was so excited about being there, he kept trying to bolt off. Nuh, uh little boy, Ms. Maeve don't play that game! I firmly had my hand in his the whole time. We had lunch there and had a lot of fun trying out all the stuff. I never cared for science in school, but this stuff was great. Monday is Grandma land day, so we scooted out early and went to her place. I had every intention of working out, but some how found myself passed out for a nap. Steve came home in a crappy mood, yeah me. So I pop a Xanax because I can feel the anxiety attack coming on already. I sudgested we take Goat Puppy for a walk around Laguna, this way we won't come home to a chewed up God knows what else. We stop by Chakra Shack, Diana is there and the first thing she says to me is "you don't look well, you need a nap, you seem very stressed out". Damn, does it show that much? So we chat for a bit and Steve makes the smart ass remark of how he is under more pressure and stress than I am. That I SHOULD be more stressed out. Um HELLO!!! I'M ON FUCKING ANTI DEPRESSESANTS YOU ASS!!! YOU are the reason I'm on this shit. I can't take it any more! I wanted to punch him in the face or at least give him a piece of my mind, but felt that making a scene was not a good idea. The rest of the walk was nice, Goat puppy has to see and be petted by everyone. That is what is so cool about a golden retriever, they are love sponges and like everyone. We took him down to the beach and he wasn't too sure about the ocean. His reaction was pretty funny. Is it that time already? I have to get off my butt and get Pudd'n out the door. I need to see the chiropractor today. My neck is still tweaked, ignoring it is not helping me either. Imagine that.