Idiot boy, the dumb ass waste of oxygen that he is, is going into rehab AGAIN. Now before you go thinking all positive and shit, we have LOST count on how many times this fucking idiot has done this. Shit, last Dec he went in, now he's got to go again. He's not doing this voulentary, his job said "go or lose your job". So, guess who gets his kids? Us! I love Bart & Lisa very much and feel so bad for them. Had that dumb fuck listened to us 10 years ago and left the Cunt, none of this would be happening. Back then we offered to take the kids while he sobered up and got his shit straight. He told us to fuck off. Now, 10 years later we are dealing with it all over again. We are supposidly gettting the kids for a week, if my poor mother in law can get him into a half way home, it will be a month. Apparently there are pleanty of half way home for women on the mend, none for men. So now, I have 3 children to get ready and drive to school. If Pudd'n were in this school district, it would not be so bad. I have him in a completely different one. Oh yeah, the van started up with the not starting shit AGAIN! Whoooooooooo hooooooooo! Hot damn! Yeah.......I'm refilling my Xanax.