Alrighty then! I am some what catching up with the times here! (At least I knew what "word" meant, unlike poor Venus' father). Yesterday I figured out how to SEND a text message w/o being sent one first. I promplty sent Lili a message saying "phucque my pussay". It went on with other sexually deviant messages between the two of us. Started texting with Venus today, but had to drive, so I called her the old fashioned way! LOL. And now taaaaaa daaaaaaa! I've added my Yahell profile in my links. Question #20: Do you know of any slow or special people??
I stopped by the drug store to get my perscription for my never ending ear infection. Pudd'n took great delight in an ice cream sandwhich. He spied an end cap of balls, uh oh......I've got at least 2 dozen of the damn things at home. Of course he goes over and wants one. I tried to tell him we had many of them at home, he then pulled out "the big guns" and started saying "I love you" (how he really says it is "I, u, u, u, u,)Who can say no to that? So, I bought him another *heavy sigh*. Well it's time for me to get some make up on and get my butt out the door for work. Ugh!