Just hung up with the vet, Jack does infact have MG. He will be on meds for 6 mths. He comes home tomorrow, thank Goddess. Samwise is pissed off that Jack is not here. Yesterday he ate one of my Tarot books!! I went riding today and that was hard. I started crying as I walked down the barn isle to get my horse. Jack was not running around and eating piles of horse shit. I couldn't go out on trail, it would of been to hard emotionally for me. So we just did arena work. I almost had to smack the shit out of some dumb broad who desperately needed it. I gave her "the look", she felt it all the way over in the other area where she had so rudely turned her horse out. I had to stop the work I was doing on my horse because she had turned out hers and was chasing it about and making noises while she did it. Now on a calm horse, that can be a problem. They see some other horse "fleeing" from something scary, so they too want to run off. Now if you are on a total fruit cake like I ride. YOU end up in emergency because your horse WILL take off and dump your ass in the process. Once the trainer's assistant came in she was all "oh, is it okay if I turn out?" How about NO YOU STUPID FUCKING DUMB ASS CUNT?! I told her it was not and she had the nerve to say "oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you riding already, I'll leave". Yeah you do that bitch. I threw out a few choice words to Amy the assitant on how that girl was full of shit. I'm sure the girl heard me. I'm not one to keep my voice down when I'm pissed. Oh hell, who the fuck am I kidding? I'm not the silent type at all.