What a crappy night's sleep. Poor Pudd'n is so sick. Between the cold meds, vaporizer and vapo rub, the poor kid STILL could not sleep. He kept waking up. What makes it really hard for the poor little guy is that he can't blow his nose, has no clue as to how. It's like brushing his teeth, he does not understand to "spit" when done. So this is the one time I don't mind his behavioral puking..........at least it gets the mucous out. Pudd'n was kind enough to share this bug with me. My throat is on fire, I'm coughing and of course with lack of sleep, I feel like shit.
I don't think I'll be going into school today again. There are only 2 ways in to Laguna (from my direction) the coast & the canyon. Both flood and get mud slides. Pudd'n was going to go to Grandma land so I could work, but with the weather the way it is, it is not going to happen. I'm worried enough about Steve driving into work. He is the safest driver I know, it's the other jerk off I'm worried about. It just takes one idiot to fuck up some one's life by driving too fast. There were 130 car accidents since this rain storm started.