Today I go out of my way to get my son his favorite breakfast food. We drive to Burger King and I get him his "breakfast of champions.......Hash brown nuggets". Now mind you, I can get the same damn hash browns around the corner of my house at Carl's. But in the world of is not the same location or bag. So there for must NOT be eaten at any cost. ( I remember a trip back home where Pudd'n would not eat Coney Island fries, but happily ate McDonalds kind. For some reason this pissed my dad off, Goddess forbid if you waste food. "it's the same thing!" my father grumbled. Well, yeah it is dad, welcome to MY world!!).
So Pudd'n happily chomps away at his nice greasy breakfast and we get to school. We walk up to the class room and low & behold, what happens? For what ever reason........he pukes it all up. Was it an air bubble from the soda (yeah, I know how to serve nutricous meals......not that they will be eaten), is he nervous? Was it too greasy? I will never know the answer, my son does not talk. Maybe some day if he can break through the silence, he can tell me why he pukes at the drop of a hat. Why he won't eat foods he grew up on. Why? Why? Why? I have so many questions. The down side to my son's emergence will probably be that he writes a tell all book on what it is like to grow up Autistic with a mother that practices witchcraft, a grandmother that works in a gay bar (she is straight) and the drag queen tupperware parties that mommy has. Joan Crawford will have nothing on me!