Things that melt my jaded old heart:
Last night at McDonalds' play land, I was pondering on whether or not I should of picked up that extra shift at work. I'm tired already from working 2 jobs, but the extra money would be nice. As I was sitting there deep in that thought, Pudd'n came up, wrapped his hands around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss. That answered my question right there. My time with pudd'n is PRICELESS. It was more important for me to be there than waiting tables. I love my snuggle bunny, he smells so good.
#2 things that melt this crabby ol' lady.
While sitting at my desk in class, my nephew came in "just to say hi". I've been working at his middle school for a month now and I've seen him only few times. So this meant a lot to me, that he stopped in. I tried not to get too mushy in front of him. I did make him blush when I asked if he kissed his date at the Valentine's dance.
My sappy feel good vibes were shot down the tubes after having to drive in this crappy ass weather. That and my bladder is having screaming fits. I guess I'd better get in to the Dr. Caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods and carbonated beverages make it worse. Yeah, that about sum's up to what I put into my body on a daily basis. I was crabbing to Lili about this and she said "well do you have any tea?" I answered with a curt "yes". Something in the tone, spoke volumes. "Fuck the tea huh?" was her reply. Yeah, my bitch knows me well...........