My mother in law woke me up from a pretty good nap. I know I was having good dreams, of what I cannot grasp them right now. I was going to go to work tonight, but waited too long to tell Slappy that I would come in. He got somebody else, that kind of sucks since I spent all my cash at the Boom last night. Fuck, oh well. I only have myself to blame.
I like this new lay out on my blog, but am not crazy about the fact that my links are at the bottom. I'd change it again, but won't for fear of my lovely Venus bitch slapping me. I can't figure out how to do that shit and always call her to fix my mess. Well it is time to get dressed and go get my pudd'n from school. Should I go horse back riding? I know I should. But I just want to crawl right back into bed.