I know my son is sick when he takes a nap. He took a 2 hour one today. I myself got about an hour in. He fell a sleep shortly after we got back from lunch. I got him to eat a little bit. I got my St. Patty's day decorations out, my favorites are the ones the ones Pudd'n made in school. I think I've got everything together to bring with me to Lili's for Venus's spell. Fuck, this better work! It's a lot of shit I'm packing up to bring to Lili's house. I've gotten my mom's soaps made, she swears she no longer has dry skin when she uses them. I think she just likes the fact that I can make them in purple! I also put in a special blend of "Virgo oil" to enhance the better qualities of Virgo (as few & far between that they are.........lol!).