So I lay down to try and take a nap. I figure I'll meditate a little and see what I get. Now some times I come up with (ok, ALL the time) some weird shit. Like the time I tried asking the Goddess what I needed to do and I got "go get a Brazilian with Lili" or my other "good one", What present should I buy and the answer was "a chia pet". Since weight was on my mind when I layed down, I was hoping for some good ideas. I got a good answer.........Use 24 hr. Fitness coupon and go down & see if you can talk them into that special they had for teachers back in Nov. Hey good idea right? If they say no to the Nov. Special, maybe they have something else? If anything, I get 7 days of a jump start at making my knees & back feel better. Well I found the coupon and the fucking thing expired Dec. 31. *heavy sigh*. Hmmmmmm another thought. Paco wants out of the house while in laws are in town..........She did personal training and likes yard work and I have an awesome Northwest coupon. Can you smell the smoke from my brain trying to think (or is that another candle setting something of mine on fire?).