Ok, some things I definitely did NOT miss while being gone:
1. Calif. freeways. They suck, plain & simple
2. My beloved dogs barking ALL THE FUCKING TIME AT NOTHING.
3. Price of gas
4. cookie cutter looking women at the mall. In mich, they come in all shapes & sizes.
I also forgot to mension all the yummy, young service men I saw at Detroit Metro waiting for their flights. It was very hard not to wink, smile, lingering glances or plain ol' cat calls at them. Hubby & child were in tow. (heavy sigh). They sure were pretty though. Also, on our last day there we all went out for breakfast. I took Pudd'n out side when he was done and we were hanging out by the car snuggling. I heard something in the bushes and when I looked up, it was a cardinal. It was a clear sign that my beloved Granny was there.