Ok, I'm bored out of my skull. Can't keep my face out of the chocolate either because I'm bored. The house is clean (for now) and I'm running out of things to do. Pudd'n is feeling MUCH better, still not eating though. I periodically go in and put some pedialyte in his mouth to keep him hydrated. He's not drinking much either. But at least he's in a good mood and playing with Sam. It is so damn cute to watch the two! Been kicking around what I want to wear tonight. Do I want to go with sweats & t shirt, no make up? Or do I want to dress it up a little? I think I'll dress it up a little. Maybe Ben will stop by! Yeah baby! Come to Mrs. Robinson!!! Hey, I can dream! I've got all my tarot cards packed so we'll have fun doing readings. Ugh, I have a feeling this is going to be a nasty cold.