We just got back from purchasing a treadmill! Norditrack had a great sale going on with a year of no finanse charges if you paid it off in time. So guess who will be wearing a two piece bathing suit this year at the beach? Between that and my pilot's in a box, my knee will be thanking me in no time! And how did we celebrate our new treadmill? We went next door for some isochronal! What was really cool was Pudd'n actually sat down to eat his icecream. He sat nicely and waited for us when we were done. He didn't eat much of his own and I could tell he wanted something else. So I told him "show mama what you want", he went back up to the counter and after a bit Steve figured out it was a soda Pudd'n wanted. Steve said "Pudd'n, do you want a soda?" Pudd'n answered with "soda". Floored both of us, he's never said soda before. By the end of the week I should have the treadmill delivered and set up. I can't wait!