WTF??!! 5-1 Detroit loses? What the hell is that all about? They have THREE fucking goalies! Three! What the hell is Dave Lewis doing? Scotty would not stand for this! What a crappy losing streak..........You think we were the Ducks!
On to more pleasant news. Had a great time with the girls. We just ate & hung out. Terrorized poor Mr.S and looked at a nauty calendar. Oh yeah, we made a pact to call Lili all night long to see how she was doing........."Is it in yet?"
Can't wait to hear all the JUICY details! Got to talk to Aussie too, man with a voice like that I'd switch teams! Damn! Can't wait to meet her.
Glad it is finally cold out so I can bake some more. Made a chicken pot pie for dinner. Turned out damn good if I say so myself. Bring on the cold weather comfort food!