The ritual tonight was stunning. Donna & Kurt really knock themselves out. The attension to detail is amazing. I got a lovely citrine stone tonight, I cannot wait to use it on a spell this week. I called a quarter for the first time. I wrote it on a note card incase I forgot. My heart was hammering so damn bad when I was done. I screwed up the dismissal, oh well. George came up to me later and asked if he could get a copy, he really liked my calling. There was a lot of smoke involved in tonight's ritual, thank Goddess I didn't cough up a lung. Or even start coughing for that matter! OMG! SOMEONE actually knocked on the door after it was closed and locked! We were in the middle of casting the circle and some bone head ACTUALLY thought we were going to let them in! I thought Donna was going to open the door and slap the person, well if looks could kill any way. Everyone liked my cider that I brought. It was a small crowd tonight. Aussie arrives tomorrow, I'm happy for Athena. She's been glowing!