My turn! My turn!
Leap frog: children's game
Co-Workers: partner's in crime
Mustang: Goddess' GREATEST creation
Waffer: the dry, gross stuff they pass out at church
Nicotine: nasty
Fast Food: Las Golandrinas
Suffocate: pillow
Myth: thighs that don't rub together
Lane: Diane
Unexpected: money in pocket
Well dear readers, aunt flo is here with a vengeance. I just want to curl up and sleep all day. Oh wait, I want to sleep because that dumb fucking dog was barking past midnight! We are going to try and take pudd'n ice skating today (yeah, just where I want to be with cramps!). I haven't taken him in a while, but he does know how to rollerskate. So I know he'll do fine. It's just me I have to worry about! Hmmmmmm
It's 7 am. Maybe I should give Lili & Venus a nice wake up call..........heh heh heh heh