Just got back from the hair salon. I had Slappy's wife cut my hair this time. I actually left LIKING what I saw! Now I just need a little mascara & red lipstick and I'm set. Really I need a nap, but that is not happening today. Too many errands. I need to wear my orthodics, but then that means I have to wear shoes. If I wear shoes, then no one can see my cute red toe nails! Oh yeah, I got "Samantha" on Quizilla. Go figure!
I got a "jinx uncrossing" candle yesterday. Between my computer & the nail in my tire, I was afraid of what the "third" one would be! The flame is pretty high and jumping about. I'm feeling like I'm coming down with a head cold. Ugh! Just in time for my 10 year anniversary tomorrow. I guess I should go finish putting Pudd'ns train tracks together. I need my nephew or brother to do this. I played with barbies & horses.
Not trains! Oh well.