I have been blessed all my life with some pretty good friends. I look back and think of the ones that are no longer in my life and I miss some of them. All friends have valuable lessons for you to learn from. I thank the friends that I no longer see on a daily (or even once a month) basis for the lessons I've learned from them. I thank my "soul sisters", two ladies I've had the pleasure of knowing for many, many years.
I will keep them good friends because they know WAY too much about me and could make big bucks on a tell all book if I ever become famous. Just kidding, they know all my deep dark secrets and my quirks and still love me. I also have the pleasure of more recent "soul sisters". I have not known these girls as long, but boy have I learned a lot! My life is very rich with all the friends I know and I am grateful for them in my life. My son is my biggest teacher in my life, I have learned more from him in the short seven years he has been alive than the thirty that I lived before him. I also thank my friends for the emotional support, booze, brownies and a shoulder to cry on when life is just so damn difficult. My bank account may be in the negative, but the abundance of girlfriends (and one really good guy friend.....He introduced me to Jack Daniels at the tender age of 14) is rich beyond belief.
Love you all very much.