It's Monday morning! At least Pudd'n slept through the night, except he is REALLY bad bed hog! Can't wait to go to the chiropractor today, man do I need it! I should fertilize the lawn too. But some how taking a nap sounds better.
This week Mr.S and I will celebrate 10 years of married BLISS. Yeah, I'm gagging on that one too! With any luck, I can clear the cob webs out of my coochie and get me some. Pudd'n will be at Grandma land for the day after his morning dentist appointment at the hospital. The hospital you ask? Since Pudd'n won't sit in a regular chair to get a full exam, we have to put him out and then do the exam. I can tell his teeth are crowding already and the dentist cannot get a good look at the teeth for cavities. On the same day my beloved Spaz has to take her son in for an MRI. He had a seizure while
brushing his teeth of all things. So as usual, Spaz and I are living parallel lives. We finish each other's sentences and have always said "If I switch sides, you are going to be my bitch". Well looking at the time I realize I need to get Pudd'n out the door to school. Still have to stop by Carl's Jr. to get him his delicious nutricious breakfast of french fries & root beer.